Cardiff Road

Cardiff Road house is located in South Wales and is registered to care for two young people under 17, and can facilitate a mixed gender accommodation.

Registered Manager: Darren Williams

Cardiff Road Home is located on the outskirts of a large city in South Wales, and can care for two young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD). 

The home has excellent public transport links, with local shops and a major supermarket being just a short walk.

One of the largest public parks in the city is just a few yards away, and includes facilities for young people such as a skate-park and an outdoor water play area.

The city centre is approximately 1.5 miles from the home where there a huge range of shops, restaurants and department stores.

A range of outdoor activities are easily accessible and include:

  • Walks and cycle paths along the Brecon and Monmouthshire canal
  • Swimming and sports at the leisure centre
  • Parks and recreational grounds are available for ball games such as football and rugby
  • Nature reserves
  • Stunning countryside
  • Numerous Welsh Heritage sites and castles
  • Cinema’s and Bowling centres
  • Trampoline park
  • BMX park

There are also various youth groups run at the local YMCA, and an Army Barracks which provides various Cadet groups just a few miles away.

The home is in close proximity to a range of health services and places of worship.

The home has a multi-agency directory which provides additional resources local to the home to support any young people with their care, educational, health needs and also with their hobbies and interests.